Mira Furlan

A Royal Christmas Ball

A Royal Christmas Ball

Dateless for the Christmas ball, 39-year-old bachelor, King Charles of Baltania, tracks down his American college sweetheart, only to discover ...
Twice Born

Twice Born

Sep. 13, 2012

Twice Born

Full-throttle melodrama about an ill-starred romance set against the backdrop of the siege of Sarajevo. A mother brings her teenage son to ...
Babylon 5: The Gathering

Babylon 5: The Gathering

The first installment of this Emmy award-winning series. A movie based at Babylon 5: a new space station built by Humans. The Vorlon ambassador, ...
The Beauty of Vice

The Beauty of Vice

Jan. 06, 1986

The Beauty of Vice

In the mountains of Montenegro people have lived by strict and Draconian laws for centuries, almost untouched by modern civilization. However, a ...
When Father Was Away on Business

When Father Was Away on Business

Tito’s break-up with Stalin in 1948 marked the beginning of not only confusing, but also very dangerous years for many hard-core Yugoslav ...