Velove Vexia

Hujan Bulan Juni

Hujan Bulan Juni

Nov. 02, 2017

Hujan Bulan Juni

Tells a love story of a young couple that adorned with poems and beautiful scenery.


Feb. 15, 2017


Chrisye life journey, after finding interest and talent in music, it does not make Christophe become a quiet person throughout his life. Since ...
Cinta Laki-laki Biasa

Cinta Laki-laki Biasa

Dec. 01, 2016

Cinta Laki-laki Biasa

Nania Dinda Wirawan (Velove Vexia) meets Muhammad Rafli Imani (Deva Mahenra) at a time when Rafli became a mentor when Nania did practical work ...